Comment arriver à Wakefield, Québec

Wakefield, Québec est situé dans la belle Gatineau Hills, à environ 35 kilomètres (environ accessible en 20 minutes) au nord du centre-ville d’Ottawa / Gatineau (Hull).

À Partir de Ottawa (environ 20 minutes)

  • De l’autoroute 417, prendre la sortie rue Nicholas / avenue Lees
  • Suivez les indications pour la rue King Edward, puis tournez à droite sur la rue King Edward
  • La rue King Edward vous permettra de traverser Ottawa; restez dans la voie centrale ou la voie de gauche, suivant les indications vers Hull ou l’autoroute 5
  • Vous traverserez le pont Macdonald-Cartier qui mène au Québec; suivez les indications vers l’autoroute 5 / Maniwaki (voie centrale ou de gauche)
  • Continuez sur l’autoroute 5, environ 20 minutes, et prenez la première sortie pour “La Pêche” (Sortie #28)
  • Tournez à droite au rond-point sur Valley Drive.
  • Continuez sur Valley Drive pour une minute. Quand vous arrivez à la rivière, vous êtes à Wakefield!

À Partir de Montreal (environ 2.5 heures)

  • Suivez l’autoroute 40 nord (environ 65 km)
  • Empruntez l’autoroute 417 ouest (environ 120 km)
  • Lorsque vous arrivez à Ottawa, prenez la sortie rue Nicholas, mais restez dans la voie de droite jusqu’à l’avenue Mann
  • Continuez tout droit et prenez la rue King Edward (ne tournez pas à droite sur Mann)
  • La rue King Edward vous permettra de traverser Ottawa; restez dans la voie centrale ou la voie de gauche, suivant les indications vers Hull ou l’autoroute 5
  • Vous traverserez le pont Macdonald-Cartier qui mène au Québec; suivez les indications vers l’autoroute 5 / Maniwaki (voie centrale ou de gauche)
  • Continuez sur l’autoroute 5, environ 20 minutes, et prenez la première sortie pour “La Pêche” (Sortie #28)
  • Tournez à droite au rond-point sur Valley Drive.
  • Continuez sur Valley Drive pour une minute. Quand vous arrivez à la rivière, vous êtes à Wakefield!


À Partir de Toronto (environ 4.5 heures)

  • Empruntez l’autoroute 401 est passé Kingston et Brockville (environ 340 km)
  • Suivez l’autoroute 416 nord (Sortie 721A) en direction d’Ottawa (environ 75 km)
  • Dirigez-vous vers l’Est sur l’autoroute 417 (en direction d’Ottawa) et prenez la sortie rue Nicholas / avenue Lees
  • Gardez la droite et suivez l’avenue Lees
  • Tournez à gauche à l’arrêt
  • Continuez vers la gauche, traversant de nouveau l’autoroute
  • Suivez les indications pour la rue King Edward, puis tournez à droite sur la rue King Edward
  • La rue King Edward vous permettra de traverser Ottawa; restez dans la voie centrale ou la voie de gauche, suivant les indications vers Hull ou l’autoroute 5
  • Vous traverserez le pont Macdonald-Cartier qui mène au Québec; suivez les indications vers l’autoroute 5 / Maniwaki (voie centrale ou de gauche)
  • Continuez sur l’autoroute 5, environ 20 minutes, et prenez la première sortie pour “La Pêche” (Sortie #28)
  • Tournez à droite au rond-point sur Valley Drive.
  • Continuez sur Valley Drive pour une minute. Quand vous arrivez à la rivière, vous êtes à Wakefield!

Transport public à Wakefield, Quebec

Le service de Transcollines assure le transport quotidien de Gatineau à Wakefield. L’autobus laissera les passagers hors du Centre communautaire Wakefield et est un court, pratique à pied du reste du village.

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Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

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Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

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Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

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Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

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Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

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Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

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Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /ebs2/vhosts/ on line 213